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How technicians turn superconducting wire into cables for LHC magnets
Research and Development of Nb3Sn Wires and Cables for High-Field Accelerator Magnets
MgB2 superconducting cable for transmission and distribution of electrical power.
Science in a Sentence: Better Superconducting Wires
5.2 Superconducting magnet cable
Production, Testing and Laying of Superconducting Cables - ZMS Cable
LHC Superconducting Magnets 3
The world first trial, completed a demonstration test to install the superconducting cable.
Superconducting cable manufacturing process
Superconductor Wire Machine
Superconducting Power Cables Market
Seabed Coil Using High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Cable for Ship Magnetic Deperming